Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Camper Shell Replacement Windows

Racism reciprocal

I can say that the Japanese do not really know in general what it is racism. Often we remain in total ignorance, and even friendly and nice people (or grown!) May show racial attitudes without any shame.
But then, does there no anti-racist education in Japanese schools? If just a little bit. So this little bit, how is it?
That's about like that.
"Imagine you travel abroad. And people laugh at you and despise you, because you do not like them. You'll be pleased?" No! "So if you do not want not be treated like that when you travel abroad, you must be nice to foreigners living in Japan. "
Thus, the Japanese explain racism by reciprocity, and they never enter the real issue of social discrimination where everything is hopelessly one-sided. In fact, most Japanese believe sincerely that there is no racism in Japan, because racism is a concept imported from abroad. It what we heard. It is a problem of others.
I always found it odd that even the racist hardly ever went out of this argument naive and unnecessary, but I am beginning to doubt that Japanese racism is worth nothing has a place in the modern history of this country.
What people apart from the Japanese could have invented this anti-racism based on reciprocity? They were the only "honorary whites" under apartheid South Africa, and they have officially testified no shame about it. It is the only country that went from third world to the "first world" during the 20th century. (The word "third world" appears after the Second World War, so it is an anachronism, but ...) There's the Japanese who can be both objects and subjects of racism in a sense.
Moreover, that is why Westerners feel obliged to tolerate more or less disgusting experiences in third world, but they cry racism if they are treated gaijin (foreigners). If they lived in black Africa, it would be improper to say that natives show "racist" to them. But they do not feel the need for restraint in Japan. These expatriates are contaminated by the absurd idea of "racism sensationniste" Japanese in the long run, that all the problems of social discrimination are reduced to the unpleasant feelings. But racism has nothing to do with these feelings, that's the problem social structure. So, these "white" living in Japan for a long time and denounce racism Japanese, they are Japanese, I see! :) Because they experience being both subjects and objects of racism. Enjoy! :)
And what is worse is that the Japanese continue to hide their own problem of social discrimination within their own country because of this totally inadequate understanding of the concept of racism. To denounce racism is currently based on reciprocity. It still lacks the means to speak of social discrimination in which the forces exerted on both sides unilateral, hot and cold violence violence.


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