Sunday, April 12, 2009

Houston Stomach Virus

The vacancessss

Hello everyone people!

Good as you know I took the days went on holiday ....... long live the university! lol Anyway!

I know it's been a while I did not put my blog up to date, but I know I'm not making flem acute, but hey I started there! wouhouuuuuuuu

Snif TSCC're done, I hope Will there a season 3, because there 's still a lot of questions still outstanding (cameron is really a sex toy?? example, eh my Ninou lol). But the good Zode could very well make for a weekend series ...... but I want a season 3 me! So we'll know more in a few days! Speaking of TSCC, I have the song "where's your trousers Donarld?" running in a loop in my head tite, plus now I know the song by heart lol!

Otherwise Ay I casi my tickets for all collectors! lol I have my train ticket to Nimes Reims-June 4! Mouahahaha yep I'm visiting my nini, we'll get a pancake party! And Paris-Lyon I, and yeah I go after my big sister get over the weekend ... always drive the post-convention! Mouahahahaha I hate to be in you girls, I miss you so much!

Ralala good I have to get seriously at work, because by now I'm rather a larva mdrrrr Only 4oeuvres reading for courses, and a comment, so its going in a week is playable ! Soon the end of the license! I have to find a real job and then towards Vancouver with the girls!
Some people may find stupid to leave in a city I do not know, I'd say that I do what I want the latest news. I do not have enough money to go on holiday there, then discover the city as me installing, over there I do not like Vancouver (which I doubt very much) there are plenty of other cities in Canada!
I really hate to put myself in with my titi, my darling, and Miguel Angel Muñoz! mdrrrrr we Gon I senssssssss!
Besides if I can find a job in the industry that I like you I would not imagine how the angels ......... aaaaaahhhhh must first finish Marine your license! But oh no!

I must confess something: I have great luck with all you have in my life (I will not give you all but I hope you recognize yourself ........ yes Ninou included in it, I will not let waiting for the Goddess out of the lot) I really hate all of you again or meeting you (Ninou powaaaaaa) to the Collector! I feel that the girls will have fun and we have to celebrate annif!! (Not loose Ninou amanda is not the drink making it come quicker in your bed lol). Manon you, you sniff my not come, and know that you'll be sorely missed (just allerrrrrr stppppppp lol yes I know I've seen the door ..... I ask where? lol) You know I love you stronger than you and I'm here for you my great;) Huges Cocks just for you (and yeah the girls they are people who are privileged that you want lol) I
adoooooooooore the girls and thank you to be part of my life !!!!!

Big kisses to touuuuuuuuutes


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