I unearthed this little article (inset) in Le Canard Enchaine in early February, about a book that just came out, "School, the easement program "Florent Goujet literature teacher. His subject: the entry of digital technology in classrooms, the famous ENT, Digital Environment Work. Gone are the blackboard, long live the digital interactive table! A whole bunch of toys we are given, imposed, but are they relevant? Goujet says no, for several reasons:
1 - The numerical results of many disturbances among students: vision problems, reduced ability to listen, difficulty with memory, loss of language ...
2 - The computer calls for a superficial approach and quantitative knowledge, no real depth and mastery.
3 - The teacher takes the risk of being reduced the role of technical assistant.
4 - Digital technology is undoubtedly entertaining, but what can he do against the evils afflicting the education system, absenteeism, boredom, lack of motivation?
5 - Digital technology is mainly a vast market whose products require maintenance and constant renewal. Its development criterion is the profit the utility.
I'm not sure what to think of it all. Technological progress has always been a reluctance which were eventually overcome. But it is good to reflect, to the computer screen is not a smokescreen.
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