Since Monday, I was lugging a pair of gloves in my binder (see note of 15 February). And I for a fortnight's holiday home! Not that it bothers me basically, but I would like to know what hands they belong. For those who lost them is probably more annoyed than me.
I thought for a moment that the student in question came from TSV2, since it is at the end of the course on Monday with this class I discovered the famous pair. After consultation, they say no, that the gloves were found by them on the floor and laid on a table. So the class before, TL2, I had all week and nobody asks me anything.
I wanted to bring the object Life Office School, which was closed Friday night. If hands to acknowledge their gloves (thumbnail view), they let me know in writing (normally they are made for that). Although I know that nothing is more like a pair of gloves that another pair of gloves. I also remember that in a year and a day without the gloves are mine owner.
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