Monday, December 1, 2008

Best Painkillers Before Waxing


On rencontre souvent la fétichisation des mots en japonais. Elle est complètement intraduisible et incompréhensible pour les non Japonais. Par exemple, on peut entendre ce genre de dialogue entre un enfant et un adulte.
what I want to grow ? Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire quand tu seras grand?
want to be a pastry! Je veux être pâtissier!
I want a candy store. Tu veux être pâtissier ( okashiya ), right?
ちがう, お菓子 屋 さん じゃなく て, パティシエ! But no, I want to be a pastry chef, but not pastry ( okashiya )! When the philosopher
Kripke reflected on the question of proper names, he spoke of a French whose dream was to live in London. He managed to live in London, but he did not realize it because the city he now lives in London called it. Thus, he wanted to controvert the thesis of Bertrand Russell who said that names were definable ("Aristotle is the man who wrote the Nicomachean Ethics ).
In Japan, the one who eats nata de coco do not realize that what he consumes is a coconut, and sometimes it should just take the coffee when he wants drink caffè latte . All Japanese live every day the question kripkéenne.
must reflect this fact to understand the case TAMOGAMI. It seems that the captain of the Air Force does not like Japan is called a "land invaders" (侵略 国家, shinryaku Kokka ). He claims it is inadmissible that only Japan is called invading country, while there is no other country that is well known. The problem is simple, but difficult to realize: In the head of TAMOGAMI, the word is shinryaku Kokka fetishized. Finally, it is only a question of terminology jargonisée which completely lacks flexibility of interpretation. For TAMOGAMI if they accused Nazi Germany of all crimes of war, and that European nations repent of imperialism and colonialism, it is not his problem, unless they are trained specifically shinryaku Kokka Japanese. "It is only Japan that is called like that and it's unfair," that word is embedded in his head, and its logic is steadfast forever. It would, therefore, that someone calls on EU countries "shinryaku Kokka" before him to change his mind! He must know that London is simply another name for London, and the pastry is okashiya Japanese. Paradoxically, it was he who said that other major countries have never been invaders, and he does not know himself, because he simply never heard the word shinryaku Kokka qualify for these countries.

And TAMOGAMI spoke of the great patronage operation (え こ ひいき 大 作戦) in another article he published in a journal. The term is stupid and annoying. It seems that victimizes officers of the SDF (ie, the soldiers of the Japanese army) who are experiencing a problem after World War II pacifist in this country. And he claims that soldiers are entitled to patronage equilibria for the unfavorable situation for the army.
Here is an example of the patronage operation. The boss of a chain hotel, a supporter of the revisionist thesis TAMOGAMI, was entitled to ride in a fighter plane, although no private person may have no right. And a very curious coincidence that this boss is organizing the competition trials where TAMOGAMI won first prize with his famous writing. Other jury members all voted without knowing the candidates, but the organizer of the contest, which was in place to know the names of the authors gave more points to his friend. And nobody in the jury did not even know that the vote was counted from the organizer. As the operation is reciprocal favoritism.
Now we know that someone TAMOGAMI like that has no shame to parade this unjust act to promote his friends with public funds from the army headquarters was the head of the Air Force. And the Japanese do not care completely, and even today he repeated his nonsense, and the TV is happy to talk without showing any critical attitude towards him. What the world is beautiful.


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