Thursday, December 4, 2008

2010 Dance Song Thatssound Like Riverside

I beg you, no nonsense like that! Operation

I received this email yesterday. Brackets, it's me.
Your blog, 'cho omoshiroï'! [ too interesting ] Even if I do not understand everything. Are you a translator, but I think you have no chance of finding a job in this area, especially if you tend to learn French literature. And even less chance of finding such a job in Aomori, except in the nuclear field, with the plant at Rokkasho. Is there already 5 feet of snow in Aomori?
I remember correctly there is even a hot water system on the main street to melt the snow.
Fortunately you can still count on your parents for help, even 41 years. Anyway, no Japanese company would want to hire someone with CV like yours! You are marginalized and do good for the 'freeters [ temporary worker ] and again ....
5 meters of snow? It seems he is very familiar with Japan, saying then. Pedophiles, unemployed, inbred, welcome to Aomori? Rokkasho nuclear plant still hiring translators and interpreters? Yeah ... he is aware, of course ... And what he means by 'the French literary'? It's like classical Arabic? G o6 SMS learned French, I believe his fé ke won, right? But as well!
I had the extreme kindness to respond to this nonsense.
'Fortunately you can still count on your parents for help, even 41 years. "
But where do you go out this crap? My father died twelve years ago and it was a workman. It seems to me you're not even aware that Japan is a democratic country. You're enjoying the caricature and stereotype, do what you want, but do not write me nonsense like that.
Shame on you.
I really wonder where they heard this idiocy 'In Japan, it is the CV of parents to have a good job' because I've been annoyed by others 'me, I know Japan' . Is this an urban legend in Japan well known in France? Me, I studied at National School of Foreign Languages in Tokyo (the official name in French is the Tokyo University of Foreign Languages, but I find little happy, because this school has nothing to do with the University of Tokyo), but Frankly, I hardly know any friend who has been hired by the parents. If it exists, is a story of the son to dad who has not seriously studied. It's good for the bad soap opera. And my school has nothing to do with these private universities attended by the idle rich almost illiterate. They are not even the majority of Japanese students, and then, why this picture ridiculous? (Is it the fault of my compatriots who love too weird stereotypes about the Japanese? Beware of Japanese who speak of their civilization! Except me of course;-p)
I regretted having sent my response in a rage. Very bad, but maybe it was a joke ... But alas, I was treated worse than its response to the previous post ...
But if you are looking for work, as you say in your blog, and you have 41, you have 10 years studying at university in France? [J 've lived in France for ten years, but I have not done ten years of study in France anyway. ]
So you do not get the PhD. You tried it a lot. [ Yeah, I was depressed ... ]
It appears that you have serious problems to meet only your needs?
Your father is dead, but his company manufacturing soy sauce, there still is not it? [ It's amazing how it can persist in keeping his beloved image of Japan. ]
With this you support yourself, then you probably live in the parental home?
Otherwise, tell me why this is wrong, since my deductions resulting from the information you provide about yourself in your blog?
And besides, you ride at night instead of sleeping? [ It is true that I sent my response to 3am, but I'm going to bed at midnight every day. ]
So I figured you do not have to get up a good hour to get to work. Know
dear sir I am very familiar with Japan, as well as Aomori. [ Yes, yes, of course, I have no doubt about it. ]
The shame you should instead invade you! Why me? I'm [not] born in the country of Shame, Japan. [ It is a compliment. ]
You are aggressive in your response when I sent a friendly message. [ Is there someone who can understand how he can find a friendly message so disrespectful and rude to me?? Even at 41 years, I have to ask for help from my parents to find a job, 'Japan is a country like that, I know him very well, that is what he says, and he is friendly?? ]
Because in 41 years without work in Japan, is the supreme disgrace! And
single, so it's even worse! [ But what he has against celibacy? ... ]
In society Japanese, we say that you're weird, you are not 'futsu [ normal ]. I pity you, [ The Japanese must be normal, according to Japanese standards respectfully. So he thinks, I do not know why. Even my compatriots do not ask me to be a Japanese 'normal' to me, who have lived abroad for long periods, but he, the nipponomane, requires me! ]
Finally, Japan is far from being a true democracy comparable to Europe and other countries. [ Sarkozia Cheers! ]
Honestly, what would not you write that shit in your blog? Whether you know
Democracy? we do not learn this in literature but in law. [ Yeah, apparently it's very large complex, literature ... ]
If your father was a worker, how could you finance your studies? Even in France, it takes money to live, although the fees are ridiculous next to Japan, where education is a commodity that is expensive. [ Good students are eligible for exemption from education fees and a scholarship (which must be repaid, but still). And he is THE expert from Japan! ]
Certainly, you do look more like your country a decade ago, you now perceive any major defects.
Nobody will hire more than in Japan as 'freeters'. [ He believes what he heard. Hat. ] Even in the field of translation, it does give you that 1800 yen per hour. Shame, is not it!
Conclusion, you are rude and aggressive, quite the opposite of a Japanese. You really are Japanese or you make fun of people on your blog? [ But why does he always say 'The Japanese are like that'? ]
Especially we can not see you in the picture.
You may be one of those cursed French posing for a Japanese? [ If I do not agree with his image of the Japanese, he wants to take my Japanese citizenship?! What a wonderful world! Moreover, the 'Japanese' do not necessarily face the Japanese these days. There are 'white' who speak only Japanese. ]
If this is true, then thank you to tell me what you do exactly? [ But I say it openly: I perform translations. I admit that the money that I draw is not enough, but so what? ]
Finally, there is no age in Japan to stay with her parents is very common, is not it? [ And then? I spent ten years in France, I returned to my country last year and I currently live with my mother. I will go elsewhere next year, I do not know. It is interesting that the man who said "I am very familiar with Japan" a while ago is suddenly transformed into French champion of family values. He can not yet even at Tanguy. ;-p]
is true that there are many shameful things in Japan that it is acting as if they did not exist and never talk about it. [ Maybe he never read my blog that he found it too interesting '. ]
I put on the reception of the MySpace photos the house that I lived when I was little, but my father had closed the plant even before I was born. (It was a very small factory, but this person speaks of 'the business of manufacturing soy sauce, lol) It was after car dealership, but he was dismissed by refusing the transfer. So it was attached to the region. I knew my father was an attendant. I always regret it, and if I am ashamed of my state, only to him.
I want a permanent job because I'm tired of instability. And this man comes word that he heard somewhere: freeters. Is knows the meaning of this word? I do not think. (That's another word evil is done free of [English] and Arbeiter [German].) They are hand-intensive, and I must wear? (I respect the workers, but I do not serve much use as a workforce.) And he knows the reality of Japan like that? But he takes me for who?
I do not really know, but perhaps is it a zemmouritude (which means anti-left politically incorrect) which is now in vogue in France apparently. He is aware that everything he says is only a caricature of contemporary Japan, I do not think that's asking too much.

PS I think I already mentioned in this blog, but the famous thesis of 'civilization of Shame' is the American Ruth Benedict, who had a very bad idea to advise Roosevelt not to touch the imperial system in Japan. I have no obligation to respect the image of Japan, very 'seen from elsewhere'.

PPS What makes me laugh the most is his reasoning CM2 level.

You made literary studies.
So you only know the literature.
literature, it does not win.
So you're good to do temporary work.

That way, he thinks about Japan, but in truth he only reveals his ancient prejudices of a parvenu petit bourgeois very very average (I oups! the deduction of crap like him!)-p
And what 'm irritates more than anything is that there may be typical of Japanese and very friendly kind, who would respond to this insidious contempt and "friendly" with an ambiguous smile, and he hoped from me ! grrrr

I warn you. If you backslide, I will publish your name. You will be disgraced even in your glorious country. Think about your family.


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