Hello everyone people!
How are you? Me in shape! Well already I'm very happy for my Manon sincerely

Monday during practice was too much, I did something with dance, everyone enjoyed! Especially with Sab there went to improv, because it had nothing planned and I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do .... So we started together with a tite setting scene quickly .... he came out of his tricks was really good because one side Y'avait comic and tragic one side, a couple tears ....." I took the compliment on my way to dance as mouahahaha [Happy titin mode] So this is really well spent. Then the proper course of yesterday morning was nice, but it was the aprèm soporiphique, I read the result out of morning classes, which is really great, "Colonel Bird"! Long day anyway mdrrrr
Well if yesterday I chopper to BU (yes I know FINALLY caro lol) A perfect body of Eve Ensler (author of the Monologues The Vagina)

Good if you tell others?? pfffff uh yeah I know my life is exciting at the same time I will not tell you the sea ** s that happen to me, because you already have yours, and as good as there's more interresting topic "What problems Marine she met? Today in the episode we learn that 23,575 Navy a. ... " no you will not know the result, strip curious! mdrrr A if want something more, my friend Peter, or rather Hervé became addicted to Ay mdrrr Sanctuary this weekend it has been 4 episodes (Folding Man, Kush, and The Five Nubbins) mdrrrr good well he still wants to hit the little Robin (it makes me more of Chris for me niark niark niark). And I try to convince him to come to the London Expo mdrrr.
Speaking of Chris, it will be this weekend in my bed .... uh I mean in London! Why so much hatred?? But hey no big deal, I console myself with zodes Sanctuary or I know not with my fic or whatnot! mdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (yeah I like the way Calimero, I find that the shell fits me really well! ben what?? I also have blue eyes then foo!) Well I think I start from Lollipop and then I'll stop here for today!!
bisoussssssss at all, and I think you very much!!
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