Hi everyone!
After nearly a year's absence on this blog, I felt like reposting something. Why now? no idea, just a sudden urge like that ... just to show you that I'm still here ... leave a trace on the new web of them ... anyway!
First things first!
What has happened since February?
First I found a job, a CDI mcdo! Ok this is not the job of the century, but we have a good group and will help me pay my pay PVT. Besides right now I'm training for mount trainer So it's cool. I do not know if I validate this training, but in any case I learn lots of things and for me it's already all positive!

By next May I will also go to Chevron 7.6 Show Doudou and Teryl! Even my mici Sandy for advance! We Gon Will there because my little sis', Caroline, Emily, Sandy, Lexy and it would not surprise me to know that Nini and Ninou come here too! short we will have a big family reunion what! lol
PVT Otherwise the file is open! I'm waiting for my pay for November and I ride with my file and we Ninou Vancouver!! Since the time we talk about this trip ... it's weird to say that this dream will come true also, but we believe good!
Tomorrow I get my new laptop didi! Yes I know it was time for me to get a modern technology mdrrr but hey better late than never! When I would customize I show it! I already know how I'll do it! Mouahahaha!
At the end of the month is the annif of my niece, I already know what to buy! Ralala this little one

Otherwise I hope that Chris will soon have a new conv because I really want to see him too! It's stupid to say but I miss him, well he also fails to Manon, so it is reassuring to know that I am not the only ball lol Still this guy is a sweetheart and I really too want to see him ... I promised blush least this time I'd finally .... less shy why .... what's his room number?? * Whistles * lol
What you tell the other? good home is not joy ... as you know my mother is a TS y 'three weeks, and there is still HS ... but hold the pvt me and my friends support me So all is well! Moreover THANK you all for being here! I do not know what I'd do without you! You're a real family to me and I love you all very much !!!!!
good I think I'll stop here for today!
Promised I no longer wait so long to get this blog updated ... well I would try mdrrrr not kidding!
Go Very soon the whole world people
big bisoussssssssss
foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooort I love you!
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