Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Unlocka Luggage


Virgin Byzantine glass mosaic
on the vault of the church of Murano (I), 13 ° S.
In the West, about the pictures, the Council of Trent (1542) highlights the history, the memory, but clearly not epiphanic, placing itself outside the context of the sacramental presence as recognized in the East. He said all the Catholic dogmas, but facing the reform necessarily iconoclastic, he rejected the dogma iconographic, already abandoned by the West after the VIIth Council (787).
But it is symptomatic of the iconographic approach to the mystery that Bernadette Soubirous asked to select an album image that most closely resembled his vision, has stopped without hesitation on a Byzantine icon of the Virgin, painted XI century ...

Paul Evdokimov, an Orthodox theologian in
" The Art of the Icon, Theology of the presence "

Monday, November 15, 2010

Point And Shoot Best Shutter Speed

I'm back! lol .....

Hi everyone!
After nearly a year's absence on this blog, I felt like reposting something. Why now? no idea, just a sudden urge like that ... just to show you that I'm still here ... leave a trace on the new web of them ... anyway!

First things first!
What has happened since February?

First I found a job, a CDI mcdo! Ok this is not the job of the century, but we have a good group and will help me pay my pay PVT. Besides right now I'm training for
mount trainer So it's cool. I do not know if I validate this training, but in any case I learn lots of things and for me it's already all positive!

Manon with and Vivi Then we had the cocktail to pass the AT5! And as Sandy and Lexy have also had, I feel that our table will go on a lollipop (long live bullets lol). We already know what we will all take with us! There's also the return of abnormal ball! I'll go this year Kali, his good ut I buy the saree, but it's not the most expensive that! Long live e-Bay! lol

By next May I will also go to Chevron 7.6 Show Doudou and Teryl! Even my mici Sandy for advance! We Gon Will there because my little sis', Caroline, Emily, Sandy, Lexy and it would not surprise me to know that Nini and Ninou come here too! short we will have a big family reunion what! lol

PVT Otherwise the file is open! I'm waiting for my pay for November and I ride with my file and we Ninou Vancouver!! Since the time we talk about this trip ... it's weird to say that this dream will come true also, but we believe good!

Tomorrow I get my new laptop didi! Yes I know it was time for me to get a modern technology mdrrr but hey better late than never! When I would customize I show it! I already know how I'll do it! Mouahahaha!

At the end of the month is the annif of my niece, I already know what to buy! Ralala this little one grows too fast! It is starting to miss making sentences is too meugnon! Well she calls me mom ... often hard to make him understand that I am only auntie, but it will come! And then it not really bother me she calls me Mom, because having this little angel as a little girl would not bother me at all .... but I'm not his mother, auntie completely gaga just lol (my sister is not better toctoc auntie ... and it does very well thank you gesture toctoc mdrrr my dad! lol)

Otherwise I hope that Chris will soon have a new conv because I really want to see him too! It's stupid to say but I miss him, well he also fails to Manon, so it is reassuring to know that I am not the only ball lol Still this guy is a sweetheart and I really too want to see him ... I promised blush least this time I'd finally .... less shy why .... what's his room number?? * Whistles * lol

What you tell the other? good home is not joy ... as you know my mother is a TS y 'three weeks, and there is still HS ... but hold the pvt me and my friends support me So all is well! Moreover THANK you all for being here! I do not know what I'd do without you! You're a real family to me and I love you all very much !!!!!

good I think I'll stop here for today!
Promised I no longer wait so long to get this blog updated ... well I would try mdrrrr not kidding!

Go Very soon the whole world people
big bisoussssssssss
foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooort I love you!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Clip Art For Caffeine


The All-Holy, Retail FIN13 °-début14 ° S.
Mount Athos, Greece
If you lived with her and if you prayed before an icon, you know that it is truly a place of presence . You know she introduces us freely in the encounter with the person who is represented. You know that without knowing how you know. There is a threshold beyond which any question is futile and fruitless discourse. Also do you need to understand it otherwise than by living and praying.
(...) This reality is not immediately noticeable. It takes a long time. Everything is said with so much sweetness. With great sobriety too, which is lack of focus and sentimentalism.

Let yourself meet, greet with the icon.
We are not competent in life. Perhaps even very incompetent. It is when we know that we are ready to be seen rather than watching. To listen rather than talk. A humble ourselves rather than knowing and judging. You told me about a day of sadness in the eyes of the Mother of God. Do not you know that the icons, all saints weep with joy? Tears of repentance and joy of Hi. Contemplate this long face and this look is in thee, and carry it on people and things throughout your path.

Frinking Bernard, secular Orthodox iconographer Cavillargues (30)
in "The unity of Christians, No. 2" (excerpts)

Brace Colour Selector Realistic


Virgin prayerful, 12 seconds,
Great Panagia Yaroslavl, Russia
route in mind

all creation and see if there is something
is equal to or greater than
the Virgin Mother of God. Searching
earth, the sea route
reviews air
visit by your thinking the heavens, you remember
unseen powers,
and see if there is, in all creation,
another gem she is. "

John Chrysostom, Father of the Church
in "Homily on the Mother of God"
quoted by Michel Quenot, Orthodox priest

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Read Safeway Brand Pregnancy Test Instructions

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple,
by Andrei Rublev, St. Petersburg
The homeland of the icon is East. This true "visual theology" was born at the time of Justinian (6th century). And it is the 11th century that began in Russian iconography. With unspeakable sweetness this sacred art in God assumes the human sense. Above sensation and perception is the sphere of revelation and the seizure of the invisible . The sense of mystery is never given directly, but it is represented through intermediaries: an angel, a symbol, an icon, an all messengers secret message.

sign, allegory, symbol
The sign information and intelligence. These are the chemical formulas, billboards, shop signs, the content is basic and devoid of any presence.
Similarly an allegory is an explanation by analogy and barely exceeds the didactic illustration.
By cons, symbol, in the spirit of the Church Fathers and by liturgical tradition, contains within it the presence of what it symbolizes. And this "presence" is revealed in contemplation, by which the imagination decrypts the message of the true symbol and captures the real presence as an epiphany.

According to Paul Evdokimov, an Orthodox theologian,
in "The art of the icon, theology of beauty"