Hello everyone people!
Last week, my older brother in Lyons fell to the house, it was really nice!
"He arrived Monday morning, so the pool was aprèm to play with ball: D!
-Tuesday was cleaning my computer afternnon then splash into the pool and the evening we went to my other brother. He wanted to see her niece, and in spite of the fact that Candyce do have not seen since Christmas, she was not at all afraid of him, quite the contrary ! (At the same time even my dog was not afraid of him ..... my brother had to make something lol) It was fun to see her go, but the poor poucinette was still a little hot because of its teeth!
-Wednesday were not done anything special, my brother and my sister went for a walk to Saintes-Maries-sea
Thursday we went swimming again and in the evening we went for a walk in Aigues Mortes, where my brother bought cakes yum craft was too good!
-On Friday evening was to be restaurants in Saintes-Maries still was not good to great cuisine but the evening was cool!
-Saturday I spent my aprem the beach! A horror! Already at the base I'm no bigger fan than her, but also when the water is 22 and y 'the wind, I hate it! I am blast sand for 5 h and despite the showers, I still have hair in the ears and nose! MDRR But the worst is that I prize 2 sunburn when I the sunscreen! One on the forehead and just below the buttocks (at the bend of the legs) so far Yesterday's quite a tit bit evil, and its going to be here today, but the front started to peel! lol
-Sunday because of a sunburn on the face was not the form, so I spent my day in bed but my brother and my parents went to the market! And in the evening my brother is gone! Here is my tite
week! Otherwise my niece with my brother comes home on Saturday! And Aye with my nini (which comes to HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVEEEEEEEENNNNNNN) we took the Eurostar, the squares to sides and more! Well we will arrive late Friday, but it does not matter it's not like this whole group was waiting for us! There's Manon's for sure, but we already route is not for it being lost and then I let her good not lost on the subway! So voila! We'll have fun girls!! Anyway I warn you not yoplait (eh manon the Yoplait is not good! Mdrrrr)
I still had to take the train to get to and from Paris but still good and that his change my euros and pounds London we voilaaaaaaaaaaa
Go here Candyce gift that takes a picture (or rather that takes a picture tata Candyce but prefers to come catch the camera lol):
Big bisouuuuuuuuuuuuuus
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