Mouahahahahaha I'm back among you!
Admit that I've missed? Who said no .......... not you go Manon but oh! lol
Good while it happened in my hectic life of you will ask me? Well I must admit that not much! Yes I know it's been over three weeks as you wait for my news mdrrrr
Well then first three weeks since my university is in the blockade, our next AG will be held Thursday normally not over until then. Well, it's starting to get along real good but the more boring it will be the exam, because everything will have to be postponed it, so I just hope that I would have no part of Friday the Collector, I can always arrange with my teacher tell me, on that she is not boring. Anyway we will not complain about the blockade in the morning I can sleep good .... it's true that I drooled a bit when I was not the net, because I bored serious but not serious right now I have the net and I can call around the world ....... my carolyneeeeeeeeeee eh! lol
My mother had the right to a small one-month stay in the hospital! Nothing serious, just a change in treatment, so she had her license at the weekend, but good once it was in the hospital for my annif! Normally she would go out of my annif, but his salary did not suit him so he had to put another in place, so Rebelote for two weeks. There she was released Friday night. She must go home to tonight, because she has exams to pass dermain in the day and after it is completely released:)
course good news never goes bad so we exception to the rule lol My father has problems with his back and leg. It must pass an MRI on 30 for what he has because he has back pain and loss of sensation in the left leg, so the docs want to see if it's not the nerve is dying or s it is just stuck with a disc ernie! Basically it will be good for a new operation with the bowl and we are still going to take away a disc ... well we'll see!
Otherwise right now I'm having with TSCC Season two (mouahahah you ship and there 's more Mansonnnnnnn Shirley! woouhouuuuuuuuuu for the uneducated, not type lol, this is the singer of Garbage a group that I love!) and season 1 of Dollhouse Whedon! I love Whedon (plus it takes the same player ever * whistles * mdrrrr) and I look on the rediff Angel TMC evenings and Saturdays (* drool * spikeeeeee mdrrr no I'm not unfaithful to Chris, not but ohhhhh good but admit that James is that even "aaaaaaaaaahhh" what lol) When Will rediff buffy lol
Well as I said if y 'y' was my annif Not long .... well yeah chui tite fish I expect (like the niece niniiiiiiiiiiii wouhouuuuuuuuuuu congratulation my darling adoréééée). I was very spoiled. I'm really lucky to have friends like you! You are my family of heart! I love you all !!..................... emotion Voila sequence past, I tell you what I had! So from my parents, my grandparents and my sister I had money.
On the part of Manon, Carolyne, Elodie, Flow, Sarah and I had Virginia:

For those wondering what that thing pink, it's a style shaped pink flemish (mdrrr chui is good in the right area)! Honestly girls thank you from my heart! I received the package Tuesday morning. At 9 am the bell rings, I open my eyes and said "oh no I do not want to get up ........... yeah but I do not want to go downtown either tomorrow "then neither one nor two I mug up my keys and my jacket and will open! Mouahaha a big package just for me! So when I open I see the first pink flemish ptdr I was laughing, but I first read all the cards and that of caro is marked "I hope the picture you like chris "or something like So I open the cover and the yellow I'll shoot one of his cries mdrrr my dogs are mounted in 4th gear to see what was happening! mdrrr the poor! After I open the wrapping paper and there is more "ooooohhhh is too good!" Frankly mdrrrr thank you girls your gifts really touched me !!!!!
Then from Ma marie (Happy birthday my Mariiiiiiiiiiie):

Miciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii married my bracelet is too jolieeeee! I love it, it really is too good! Thank you Nelly!
On behalf of Flolie:

Thank you my beautiful!! It's really beautiful .... so that my mother was jealous but not mdrrr mom is with me na! Sincerely mici much love!!
On behalf of Caro (Ariel):

Then I received the package on 5, but went on to look at the post until 6! Thank you my dear Mouahahaha Tatha!! The first thing I read when opening the package is the story of Titin I expdrr! lol Honestly I read two books about monsters, and finally the brown Cryptozoology is actually on, well I'm a fan! I understand why Helen has chosen this industry and why she is passionate about .... even if it's a personal drama lol! No but seriously it's great interresting, and I have my own theories! lol Honestly if you can one day play tricks on cryptozoology do not hesitate! And the CD is too good, I love it! When my mother was in hospital I was listening when I breakfast in the morning mdrrr Candy Maple syrup is good too! Anyway thank you !!!!! I love beaucoupppppppppppppppppp
And from my big sister took my place I love to the Haven and photos with Amanda for Collectormania! Heartfelt thank you my big sister love, you know that it bothers me but hey I say no more otherwise it will hit me! mdrrrr But seriously thank you, it touches me extremely! The evidence I do not know what to say to thank you!
the bottom of my heart pitit thank you all for your gift, I expect it to be spoiled like that, so it touches me enormously, to the point that you can not even imagine! So thank you! I love you all!
Big kisses to touteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees and HUGE HUGSSSSSSS
PS: while I was bored without internet was fun to make some icons, it's not really good but I was busy transcendent MDRR: