Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How To Make Albert Einstein Wig

The prosecutor is there a vigilante?

I translated this article to show you the tone of the Japanese press when she talks about the death penalty.

The family of small Goken shows his disappointment with the prosecution: "We do not want the prosecutor waives its first resolution"

Like the trial at first instance, the satellite of the Court of Akita Appeal Sendai said the life sentence HATAKEYAMA at Suzuka, 36, unemployed, mostly charged with homicide for the murder of two children Fujisato (Akita). As the floor of Sendai has waived any request for appeal, the parents of the child killed Goken YONEYAMA (seven years at the time) published a commentary on 14: "We hoped we to avenge our son, but This hope is now a wishful thinking. "

This comment is written on two A4 sheets. They openly show their disappointment with the prosecution of Sendai, saying: "We did not want
the Attorney waives its first resolution to the end, whatever the outcome. He closed the door to achieve social justice in his own hand. And they explode into anger Hatakeyama, which has appealed: " She gave priority to its own interests. "

They also refute the reasons cited in the court trial for having avoided the death penalty to the accused:
1. We can not say that it is a premeditated act. 2. It is not accompanied by personal interest. 3. The execution of the crime is not particularly cruel and obstinate. Parents of small Goken remark: "If it is an act led by murderous intentions instant, is this a reason to reduce the sentence in the case of homicide? And they criticize the ruling: "All these reasons cited are too far from the commonly shared ideas. "

They say they were" appalled by the inhumanity of this world during the trial, far from
[to] avenge [their] son even just a little bit "and concluded:" We can not stop us wish from my heart that the life of a child will have more weight in the world to come. "

Code of Criminal Procedure says that the higher court can declare a heavier sentence than the trial if the prosecutor appealed. The waiver of appeal by prosecutors who sought the death penalty for Hatakeyama made him avoid the application of capital punishment.

(April 15, 2009)

This article appeared in the site of a regional newspaper in Sendai (the capital of the Tohoku region of [North East]), Kahoku Shinpo. (The dog-akita inu is from Akita.) It's a bit difficult to understand, but here, the first resolution of the prosecutor must be that of a judge: to punish the wicked. I fear that this article is almost incomprehensible to the first reading. Parents of children killed recognize no sense in the sentence. I think it's not even a penalty for them. Besides, it's very weird for me to hear these words from the mouth of someone who wants the death penalty. According to them, the death penalty enforces the value of life and it makes the world less inhumane. It's really absurd.
This case was much talk, and the accused has been much publicized. She first killed his own daughter and then this little boy Goken. Before committing his second murder, which she played the victim a child had been killed. It seems that TV has frequently passed the image of the woman afflicted. (Most Japanese issues are of very bad taste, including the news. Indeed, a common place called "Beautiful women Akita." But we do not say the same thing about women Aomori. It neighbors is yet!) Some people think she killed another child to draw more attention to it, but you never know. Thus it is moved from a tragic figure in the criminal hated by all.
In any case, the tone of the Japanese media, falsely objective here is cold at the back. It is a country where over 80% of the population supports the death penalty, and they rejoice to hear declare the death penalty. Those against the death penalty like me are simply treated as inhuman. And the Japanese tempers very easily when they talk about it.
I sometimes feel that the mission of the Japanese media is to further confirm the commonly shared ideas. The journalists write only what pleases the public, and they do nothing in most cases. From this point of view, we have to noticing that the word "unemployed" is affixed on behalf of the accused. Of course people without jobs are dangerous! Fortunately, all judges are not there yet, but some are beginning to condescend to pray for the families of victims. These are judges geishas. The court is more theatrical, but apparently this phenomenon is not found in Japan. (The language of journalism is really far from being neutral with respect to (supposedly) criminals in Japan. If it is a victim, it omits the word "unemployed". If it is a criminal, it can be a "so-called plumber" for example. No murder victim was never supposed something.)
In the title of this article, there is a word I now hate: Izoku 遗 族. This word ("family of death") meaning "family left" to the letter is frequently used by the media to justify the severe punishment. We must respect the feelings of the family of the victim of a homicide ( izoku ), voluntary or involuntary. It is these feelings that are ravaging in the Japanese media. I do not see the link between feelings the family of the victim and severe punishment, but these are apparently izoku glad to hear him deliver the heaviest sentence possible. And a Japanese identified with the "family left," and has condemned "wicked" with her, as if he was a member of a larger family of Japan. What a good system for the exclusion.
But in the modern world since the eighteenth century to the time of Beccaria, punishment is prevention, not for revenge. And yet, if they do not know, it's not their fault, it's the fault of Education ...
But they need to know. A person does not belong to the family, and it's really indecent to victimize themselves and for the dead. The life of a person is not as small as this. The victim, not you, but someone who was dear. The life of someone far beyond the family. Then, let alone the soul of that person, without shouting revenge ... Do not talk as if this was to be a private good for you ... I think I understand your feelings (apart from this particular hatred), but they have nothing to do with justice, which must remain more or less cold. Me, I never claimed justice hot. Justice does not take into account the dead, and must always think about the life of a criminal, even if never show any regret.
(In French the word "forgiveness", a gift is made, and English, there is the element in GIVE forgive . In contrast, the Japanese verb ゆるす ( yurusu , forgive) does say that " loosen, release "etymologically. It does suggest that the belt and rubber better. That may be why the Japanese are struggling to find a noble character in forgiveness. Modern literature known novels which is about forgiveness, but very often it works Catholic writers. Journey into the dark night Naoya Shiga, for example.)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Houston Stomach Virus

The vacancessss

Hello everyone people!

Good as you know I took the days went on holiday ....... long live the university! lol Anyway!

I know it's been a while I did not put my blog up to date, but I know I'm not making flem acute, but hey I started there! wouhouuuuuuuu

Snif TSCC're done, I hope Will there a season 3, because there 's still a lot of questions still outstanding (cameron is really a sex toy?? example, eh my Ninou lol). But the good Zode could very well make for a weekend series ...... but I want a season 3 me! So we'll know more in a few days! Speaking of TSCC, I have the song "where's your trousers Donarld?" running in a loop in my head tite, plus now I know the song by heart lol!

Otherwise Ay I casi my tickets for all collectors! lol I have my train ticket to Nimes Reims-June 4! Mouahahaha yep I'm visiting my nini, we'll get a pancake party! And Paris-Lyon I, and yeah I go after my big sister get over the weekend ... always drive the post-convention! Mouahahahaha I hate to be in you girls, I miss you so much!

Ralala good I have to get seriously at work, because by now I'm rather a larva mdrrrr Only 4oeuvres reading for courses, and a comment, so its going in a week is playable ! Soon the end of the license! I have to find a real job and then towards Vancouver with the girls!
Some people may find stupid to leave in a city I do not know, I'd say that I do what I want the latest news. I do not have enough money to go on holiday there, then discover the city as me installing, over there I do not like Vancouver (which I doubt very much) there are plenty of other cities in Canada!
I really hate to put myself in with my titi, my darling, and Miguel Angel Muñoz! mdrrrrr we Gon I senssssssss!
Besides if I can find a job in the industry that I like you I would not imagine how the angels ......... aaaaaahhhhh must first finish Marine your license! But oh no!

I must confess something: I have great luck with all you have in my life (I will not give you all but I hope you recognize yourself ........ yes Ninou included in it, I will not let waiting for the Goddess out of the lot) I really hate all of you again or meeting you (Ninou powaaaaaa) to the Collector! I feel that the girls will have fun and we have to celebrate annif!! (Not loose Ninou amanda is not the drink making it come quicker in your bed lol). Manon you, you sniff my not come, and know that you'll be sorely missed (just allerrrrrr stppppppp lol yes I know I've seen the door ..... I ask where? lol) You know I love you stronger than you and I'm here for you my great;) Huges Cocks just for you (and yeah the girls they are people who are privileged that you want lol) I
adoooooooooore the girls and thank you to be part of my life !!!!!

Big kisses to touuuuuuuuutes

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pinacle Studio 10 Quickstart Sn

What shocks the Japanese

As I said in this blog, if you blow your nose in public, this does not shock the Japanese, unless you make a really nasty noise. Indeed, the Japanese politeness is something mythical. I once read on the internet that it's not polite not to make noise when eating noodles in Japan. It's really ridiculous. If it makes noise when eating noodles, it does not bother anyone in Japan. And that's all. I wonder where we could draw This bizarre idea. It is possible that Edokko ( Tokyoite ) makes his compatriot who does not sound a remark like, "Hey, are you a stranger ( gaïzin [gaijin] ) or not? When you eat the noodles, you make noise! Like this! " (And it makes noise exaggeration.) But this has nothing to do with politeness, but rather the Beaufre. Perhaps the truth is it that one or more Japanese have responded to the question "Why do you noise when you eat noodles?" by the response "That's being polite." But this automation that answers all questions by the myth of Japanese politeness is just pathetic cretins. And you do not offend either the Japanese when you ask them "Mireille Mathieu is well known in Japan, right?" They do not know, that's all. We can be shocked by what we do not know. I think it was a joke about hair Japanese girls ( okappa ) originally. French tourists at the time were probably said "But they are all fans of Johnny Mathis or what!"
So what can shock the Japanese? For example, if you talk to a Japanese emperor, it can be shocking. But no, I do not speak at all taboo. However, I say that is the word "emperor" is shocking. For the Japanese, Tenno is nothing that Tenno, and that word is untranslatable. It is the source of all that is "It's Japanese, it's unexplainable." They do not prepare any answer to the question "If this is not an emperor, what is it?" The Tenno Tenno is 's all.
Then the question "Who is the head of state to Japan?" embarrassed the Japanese. What is the official answer to this question? Surprise! It does not. Embarrassed by the perpetual question, the Department Foreign Affairs said the head of state was the Tenno , but it was a "false start". In reality, there is no law that says the head of state of Japan is the Emperor (Tenno ). There are people who support right-wing "The Prime Minister can not be head of state, because its weight is very light." But the lack of majesty of the Prime Minister is not proof that the Tenno is the head of state. If you see the picture of the imperial couple in a Japanese embassy, this does not mean that the emperor is the head of state, but the ambasssade is the responsibility of the Ministry Foreign Affairs.
And then call the Emperor by his childhood name (Hirohito, Akihito) can shock the Japanese, unless they are communists or sympathizers. The French newspaper Naruhito talks about when it comes to the current prince, but I doubt that most Japanese have never heard the name. Communists prefer to call them by their childhood name, because it is not their taste not call them by their title as almost all Japanese do.
Besides the Emperor, if you mean the Japanese army, you're shocked necessarily Japanese. The defense budget of Japan is still in the top 10 worldwide, but Japanese do not believe that the state has an army of Japan. Because the Constitution says that the army does not exist in Japan! For me (who am however a very good Japanese), this is just absurd, but strangely it seems to me that all Japanese believe. Like Tenno which is nothing but Tenno, the Jieitai (Self-Defense Forces, official translation and unfortunate) is Jieitai , but this is not an army. Leftists cretinization do not want to change one line of the 1946 Constitution because of Article 9, which renounces war. But why "constitutional change" should it mean for them the deletion of Article 9? In Japan, people who are for the amendment of the Constitution are classified as right. So I want to delete the first chapter of consitutes "The Emperor (Tenno )" I'm right a priori. lol Do not touch the 1946 Constitution, which should be something sacred. (Apparently, the Japanese has left the meaning of the sacred.) And all that matters to these people so-called left is only to protect Article 9, and they never talk about the dissolution of the SDF that this carries a sense artilcle! A meaning that is worthy of what he said!
I think I wrote this article to say "Go to shock the Japanese!" :-P